Fees and Enrolling



How to join Country Kidz

BOOK A VISIT NOW by contacting us on 07 3339111 or at Contact Us

We welcome new families to pop in and visit and see our centre, stay for a cup of tea or coffee and then we can take you through our enrolment process. You will be given a tour around the Centre where we will discuss all aspects of our day at Country Kidz, you will get to meet all our staff and have an opportunity to talk with them. We will also discuss your aspirations for your child and whānau and days you require. At the conclusion of your tour an enrolment pack will be handed out that contains all relevant information and enrolment forms.

If you are unable to visit, maybe your are moving to the area, not a problem give us a call or email and we can send you all our enrolment details.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Country Kidz community.

ECE Hours

Country Kidz offers 20 free hours of Early Childhood Education (ECE) for all tamariki 3 years and older. Operating Hours are 8.30 am – 3.30 pm.

Fee Schedule: 6 months – 5 years:

Regular Hourly Rate -  $8.00

Casual Hourly Rate/On an Additional Day -  $15


ECE Hours

Country Kidz offers 20 free hours of Early Childhood Education (ECE) for all tamariki 3 years and older. Operating Hours are 8.30 am – 3.30 pm.    

Over 3’s – 20 hours free per week, maximum six hours per day as per Ministry of Education regulations


Additional Information:

Early drop off or late collection fee - $10.00 for every ten minutes or part thereof, effective five minutes after or before your booked hours.  It is important for you to drop your child off on time and collect on time as booked times are used to ascertain teacher ratios. Legally we cannot have tamariki onsite prior to 8.30am and after 3.30pm.  If you need to make alterations to your booked times, we require at LEAST 48 hours’ notice.

Children must be enrolled for a minimum of 2 days.  It is important that children attend for sufficient hours in the day and week to be able to join in all activities and routines, and to become familiar and accustomed to the environment and the Country Kidz team. 

  • Fees are to be paid weekly in advance.  All fees are GST inclusive. 
  • Accounts will be invoiced one week in advance.  Any extra hours or late fees will be invoiced in arrears as per our Child Arrival and Departure Policy.
  • Fees are to be paid for booked hours the 50 weeks that we are open each year regardless of attendance. Country Kidz does not offer ‘make up’ days due to absence. Statutory holidays and emergency closures are not charged.
  • For parents who are eligible for 20 free hours of ECE care, notification of a child’s planned absence must be given in advance for the funding to be claimed.  ECE Funding requires your child to attend for a minimum of 50% of their enrolled days/hours. A child cannot be absence on the same day each week for more than 3 weeks in a row.  With continuous and irregular absence ECE funding is withdrawn and parents/caregivers will be invoiced for the full amount.
  • To run a quality Centre, it is essential that we keep ahead of costs.  For this reason, we review charges annually and as deemed necessary if extra-ordinary operational cost increases occur.    
  • If you are planning to withdraw your child from Country Kidz ECE, you must give two week's written notification.
  • Parents will be notified immediately if Country Kidz ECE discovers a payment is missed. Parents will have five working days from the date of notification to bring their account up to date or their child's enrolment may be revoked.  Legal action will be pursued for any outstanding debt to Country Kidz after this grace period. All collection costs are the responsibility of the parents.  All collection costs will be added to any outstanding fees.
  • Automatic payments, direct credits or online bank payments for fees would be appreciated; details: BNZ Taupo:  Tirohanga/Mokai Childcare Centre T/A Country Kidz. Account / 02-0428-0076276-00. Please use:
      • Particulars:  Child’s Name
      • Code:    Parents Name


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